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zSeries services

Configuration, Administration, Support, Operation and Monitoring of the Operating System.

Programming in Assembler, (BATCH, CICS, DB2, JCL, RACF) and Exits of OS, RACF, JES2, JES3, CICS, DB2, VTAM, TCP / IP, ROSCOE ,.
Programming in COBOL language.
Programming in C, C # and C ++ languages.


CICS, DB2 / Oracle, BPM, MQ, OMVS

Capacity Planning

LPAR, CICS, MQ Series, Batch

Production Planning - Batch

BMC - Control-M, IBM Workload Scheduler – IWS

Scheduler migration

IWS, Control-M, CORTEX, others

Storage Management


Operation and Monitoring



IBM Cloud


TSM / TPC / TPCR / Global Mirror / Metro Mirror / TKLM / EKM / DS8100 / DS8300 / DS8700 / XIV / V7000.