Scheduler migration
With its own Methodology and Processes, for analysis of obsolete objects (batch programming and Jobs) that help to reduce the number of objects to be converted / migrated.
We use specific tools to carry out the analysis and conversion of materials in the production environment, also providing the professional services necessary to carry out the Migration and its Certification.
The conversion strategy is defined after the analysis of the techniques used in the scheduler, current and the greater or lesser interdependence between the processes in production of IBM mainframe Systems and Open Systems.

This service aims only at the migration of IBM mainframe systems, but taking into account the interrelationships between these mainframe systems and the production components that run on Open Systems, preserving the articulation between them.
In accordance with the above, the Scheduler Migration Service will consider the following phases:
1st acquisition of knowledge about the objects of the scheduler to be converted and definition with the client, of the conversion strategies.
2nd Preparation and testing of conversion processes and election of a Pilot Application.
3rd Conversion of the Pilot Application, with necessary tests and adjustments until its perfect functioning.
4th batch conversion and EDI delivery of the objects of each converted batch.
5th Parallel test of the scheduler to be converted and the scheduler migrated.
6th Ensure that in the migrated scheduler all Batch currently running is contemplated, with the correct chaining of Jobs and Applications, and that it is fulfilling the execution requirements, such as predecessor, successor and temporal dependencies with the correct parameterization in the migrated scheduler, namely in the treatment of Return Codes.
7th Acceptance of the migrated scheduler.
6th With the migration service of all objects from the mainframe production environment to the new scheduler, during a period to be agreed between the parties, Vantis will be supported in person.